
The features of anchor bolt

When it comes to the erection of metal building systems, one of the most important aspects is the location of the anchor bolts in the foundation. The incorrect placement or embodiment of anchor bolts can lead to costly errors, or even fatal accidents.

Anchor bolt is used in construction where these are set in walls & columns for supporting ledgers, beams, plates. Further, it is also used for prefabricated concrete panel construction for aiding connection to structural frames.
Some other uses include for attaching stair risers or frame assemblages where these provide for strong and durable support. Here are the features of anchor bolt:

1. They are capable of supporting very large loads.
2. Drilling or cutting of reinforcement is not required for installation.
3. Strength is not sensitive to installation procedures and techniques.
4. Supplementary reinforcement may be easily included in the design.

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